25 ++ i can't give everything away 和訳 983525
I Can't Give Everything Away is a popular song by Yume Kaneko Create your own TikTok videos with the I Can't Give Everything Away song and explore 0 videos made by new and popular creatorsDavid Bowie「I Can't Give Everything Away」を今すぐチェック!アニソン聞くならアニメ・ゲーム専門サイトanimelo mix(アニメロミックス)で!You can give it the away, you had it and you took the pay But I keep walking on, keep opening doors Keep hoping for that the door is yours Keep also home, cause I don't want to live in a broken home, girl I am beggin' なぜ僕らは食べるのか、なぜ僕らは追いかけるのか なぜ底まで堕ちたのか、なぜ地下にいる 歌詞和訳 Give It Away Red Hot Chili Peppers 曲の解説と意味も Lyriclist りりっくりすと I can't give everything away 和訳